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How to Paint a Mural @ The Painting School - Brooklyn, NY

Summer School is in session!

One thing about me is that I love to teach. To share, discuss, and talk through my experiences in hopes that they might help someone else, is one of my favorite things. Maybe it’s because I didn’t follow a set path in my career. I have always enjoyed reaching out to people who were doing something unique to learned from them. I think mentorship / teaching / developing, whatever you want to call it, is instrumental in art careers (and beyond). It helps you see things in a different way, and (always) gets you out of your own head. This usually leads to the ability to make stronger work (I don’t make the rules!) not to mention you get to meet some interesting people along the way.

So when Founder Sarah Woster reached out to me about designing a course on murals for her Brooklyn based art school, The Painting School, I was so there. And it was even more of a honor when my class filled up with incredible peer artists - illustrators, facilitators, painters, designers, and muralists who all brought so much knowledge and curiosity. It was truly energizing and did not feel like work (at all!).

Collecting feedback is one of my favorite activities. Why? Because its so valuable. Like, gold. For me it was actually the data I used when I first started out using art as a tool in my corporate job at The Deloitte Greenhouse. Survey data from clients was what I gathered to tell the story of how my art was impacting people in our sessions (learn more about that journey here!). So you know I sent out a Google Form to capture some thoughts and quotes from everyone who took the class - here are some of my favorites!

I can’t wait to teach again. Maybe on how to paint a mural, or maybe something else? Illustration (was recently told I should do this next!), visual capture (I’ve taught on this subject the most!), or maybe how to have an artistic practice with two young kids? Just kidding on that last one! Although if anyone knows if that class exists let me know cause I may need to sign up…